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Risk Management Guide for NDIS Providers

There is an unprecedented demand for disability / NDIS services. Unfortunately, there is also an unprecedented increase in complaints, investigations, and disciplinary measures against NDIS providers, and reports indicate that this worrying trend could be caused by NDIS providers not understanding all their legal obligations or not having the compliance and risk management controls they need to meet those obligations.

For these reasons, we decided to release a complimentary compliance and risk management guide (with checklists) to help current and prospective NDIS providers assess whether they have appropriate risk and compliance management strategies in place.

You can download a copy of our risk and compliance management guide today, by clicking here.

Need Help?

To find out more about how our award-winning expertise can help your NDIS organisation, call us now on 02 9199 4563.

 This blog post does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. It is a general commentary on matters that may be of interest to you.  Formal legal or other professional advice should be sought before acting or relying on any matter arising from this communication.