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Commercial Lawyer Sydney

online business

Employee Due Diligence: What to Consider When Buying or Selling a Business

Employee Due Diligence: What to Consider When Buying or Selling a Business

Buyers should conduct a thorough investigation of all key aspects of a business before deciding whether to buy it and if so for what price, and employee matters are a key consideration. Sellers must be prepared to provide adequate information in response to these requests otherwise they may lose a potential buyer, however there are many issues they must consider when preparing a response. This article examines some of the key considerations both parties must manage during the due diligence process.

How To Not Be a Spammer

How To Not Be a Spammer

Electronic communications are a key communication method for most organisations. It's important to know whether the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (Act) applies to each communication and, if it does, make sure the communication doesn’t amount to a breach of that Act. Otherwise, your organisation might face significant fines and other consequences. This article explains what kinds of communications are regulated by the Act and what your organisations needs to do to not be a spammer.

Top 4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Privacy Policy - At Any Size!

Top 4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Privacy Policy - At Any Size!

Most organisations capture personal information about their customers as part of their everyday operations. But do they all need a privacy policy? The short answer is that only some businesses are legally required to have a privacy policy, but many others choose to have one anyway because there are many potential benefits in having one – including more sales!